ArthurChiao's Blog

Recent Posts

  • 2022-09-28 Large Scale Cloud Native Networking & Security with Cilium/eBPF (eBPFSummit, 2022)

    This is an entended version of my talk at eBPF Summit 2022:Large scale cloud native networking and security with Cilium/eBPF: 4 years production experiences from version covers more contents and details that’s missing from the talk (for time limitation)...

  • 2022-09-03

    BPF 进阶笔记(五):几种 TCP 相关的 BPF(sockops、struct_ops、header options)

    整理一些 TCP 相关的 BPF 内容,主要来自 Facebook 和 Google 的分享。关于 “BPF 进阶笔记” 系列平时学习和使用 BPF 时所整理。由于是笔记而非教程,因此内容不会追求连贯,有基础的同学可作查漏补缺之用。文中涉及的代码,如无特殊说明,均基于内核 5.10。 BPF 进阶笔记(一):BPF 程序(BPF Prog)类型详解:使用场景、函数签名、执行位置及程序示例 BPF 进阶笔记(二):BPF Map 类型详解:使用场景、程序示例 BPF 进阶笔记(三):BPF Map 内核实现 BPF 进阶笔...

  • 2022-08-28

    TCP Socket Listen: A Tale of Two Queues (2022)

    TL; DRThis post digs into the design and implementation of the TCP listen queuesin Linux kernel. Hope that after reading through this post, readers will have adeeper understanding about the underlying working mechanism of TCP/socketlistening and 3-way handshaking, as...

  • 2022-08-06

    The Mysterious Container net.core.somaxconn (2022)

    TL; DRTry to answer several quick questions with a long post: On creating a pod in Kubernetes, if somaxconn is not specified, what the default value will be, and who will set it? If changing node’s sysctl settings, will they be propagated to pods? Are all sysctl p...

  • 2022-07-25

    Differentiate three types of eBPF redirects (2022)

    TL; DRThere are three types of eBPF redirection fashions in Linux kernel that mayconfuse developers often: bpf_redirect_peer() bpf_redirect_neighbor() bpf_redirect()This post helps to clarify them by digging into the code in history order,and also discusses usages...

  • 2022-07-18

    Linux tracing/profiling 基础:符号表、调用栈、perf/bpftrace 示例等(2022)

    整理一些 tracing/profiling 笔记,目前大部分内容都来自Practical Linux tracing系列文章。 1 引言 1.1 热点与调用栈分析(perf record/report/script) 1.1.1 采样:perf record 1.1.2 查看函数 CPU 占用量:perf report 1.1.3 打印调用栈:perf script 1.1.4 生成火焰图:perf script | ....

  • 2022-07-14

    Cracking Kubernetes Authentication (AuthN) Model (2022)

    Part of this post’s contents first appeared in User and workload identities in Kubernetes,which was kindly edited, re-illustrated and exemplified by, andvery friendly to beginners.The version posted here in contrast has a biased focus on the design andimp...

  • 2022-07-02

    Linux 网络栈原理、监控与调优:前言(2022)

    本文尝试从技术研发与工程实践(而非纯理论学习)角度,在原理与实现、监控告警、配置调优三方面介绍内核5.10 网络栈。由于内容非常多,因此分为了几篇系列文章。原理与实现 Linux 网络栈原理、监控与调优:前言 Linux 中断(IRQ/softirq)基础:原理及内核实现 Linux 网络栈接收数据(RX):原理及内核实现 Linux 网络栈发送数据(TX):原理及内核实现(TBD)监控 Monitoring Linux Network Stack调优 Linux 网络栈接收数据(RX):配置调优 Linux 网络...

  • 2022-07-02

    Linux 网络栈接收数据(RX):配置调优(2022)

    本文尝试从技术研发与工程实践(而非纯理论学习)角度,在原理与实现、监控告警、配置调优三方面介绍内核 5.10 网络栈。由于内容非常多,因此分为了几篇系列文章。原理与实现 Linux 网络栈原理、监控与调优:前言 Linux 中断(IRQ/softirq)基础:原理及内核实现 Linux 网络栈接收数据(RX):原理及内核实现监控 Monitoring Linux Network Stack调优 Linux 网络栈接收数据(RX):配置调优 1 网络设备驱动初始化 1.1 调整 RX 队列数量(eth...

  • 2022-07-02

    Linux 网络栈接收数据(RX):原理及内核实现(2022)

    Fig. Steps of Linux kernel receiving data process and the corresponding chapters in this post本文尝试从技术研发与工程实践(而非纯理论学习)角度,在原理与实现、监控告警、配置调优三方面介绍内核5.10 网络栈。由于内容非常多,因此分为了几篇系列文章。原理与实现 Linux 网络栈原理、监控与调优:前言 Linux 中断(IRQ/softirq)基础:原理及内核实现 Linux 网络栈接收数据(RX):原理及内核实现 Linux 网...